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    Mambo is located in Medellín and in the USA.

    • info@mambooo.com
    • info@mambooo.com
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    We are available 24 hours a day.
    + 1 (000) 000 0000
    +57 000 000 00 00

¿Tienes ideas? Nosotros podemos hacerlas reales.

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Our history

Everything is an opportunity for growth and improvement

Welcome to mambooo!!! We are a leading digital agency specialized in customized software development, UI/UX design, project management, and digital marketing solutions. We are passionate about creating innovative and efficient solutions that help our clients move towards success.

We have a highly skilled team proficient in various technologies and programming languages. We can keep up with the pace of any project, from websites and mobile applications to complex enterprise systems.
Our UI/UX design team works to create attractive, intuitive, and user-friendly products. We firmly believe that a good user experience is crucial for the success of any digital product or service, and we take pride in offering solutions that are not only functional but also beautiful and engaging.

We are also passionate dancers in the realm of digital marketing, and we believe that a welldesigned strategy sets the rhythm for any successful online business. Every move we make is customized and perfectly tailored to the needs of our clients, like a unique choreography to reach their target audience effectively and cost-effectively.
Project management is another essential pillar for us; just like in dance, coordination and rhythm are crucial to achieving success. We accompany our clients in every project with expertise, ensuring that everything flows with the elegance of a well-executed dance.

Lastly, like good dancers, we take the time to listen to you and understand your steps. We work hand in hand with you, creating a personalized choreography that fits your needs and makes you stand out on the digital stage. Dare to move with us and achieve all your business objectives with style and grace!

María de la Cuesta Project Manager

Isaac Echeverri Chief Executive Office

Daniela Atehortúa Estratega Digital y CM

Catalina González Digital Officer

Daniel Villada Diseñador UI/ UX

Angélica Torres Chief Marketing Officer

Laura Vélez Diseñador UI/ UX

D. Alejandro Díez Ejecutivo de cuenta

Andrés Molina Diseñador Gráfico

Carlos Bravo Full Stack Developer

  • Carlos Bravo Full Stack Developer

  • Andrés Molina Diseñador Gráfico

  • D. Alejandro Díez Ejecutivo de cuenta

  • Laura Vélez Diseñador UI/ UX

  • Angélica Torres Chief Marketing Officer

  • Daniel Villada Diseñador UI/ UX

  • Catalina González Digital Officer

  • Daniela Atehortúa Estratega Digital y CM

  • Isaac Echeverri Chief Executive Office

  • María de la Cuesta Project Manager

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